Each day, thousands of people, many of them children, die from water-related diseases.
Countless more suffer needlessly from these preventable illnesses. Your gift will help dig lifesaving wells, identify and purify contaminated water sources, install water catchment systems and construct deepwater wells. Most importantly, your generosity will provide safe, clean water to children, families and communities — and save lives.

Your donations are tax deductable, calculate your tax benefit
Enter your donation amount
to estimate your potential tax benefit.
If you donate
$On a before tax income of
$The actual cost of your donation is
$xx.xx a xxxx
Because you save
$xx.xx a year on tax
This table is based upon 2023-2024 ATO individual Income Tax rates. The above rates do not include the Medicare Levy of 2%. The exact level of your tax deductibility will vary depending on your present financial circumstances. Please seek assistance from an independent taxation professional for formal guidelines.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re looking for a creative gift idea for your friends and family simply choose a gift from the online store that you would like to buy in honour of your loved ones. Your funds will be used to resource and support our child-focused development programs.
For every charity gift, you will receive a gift card to give to your loved ones to show them the unique act you have performed on their behalf.
For mail order, please allow 10 days for delivery of your gift card/s. In order for you to write a personal message, we will send the gift card directly to you, and not to your friends or family.
E-Cards and print at home cards will be delivered to the nominated email address instantly.
The receipt can only be sent out to the individual making the donation: that is, the person whose details are given on the donation form.
You can select an e-cards, PDF card to print at home, or you can request physical cards which will be posted to your address. All of these options include a description of the item you have purchased, and how it helps children and families in vulnerable communities. All you need to do is write a personal message to your gift recipient.
Gifts for Good can be purchased at any time of the year, so you can also choose a card with a themed cover for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and other important celebrations and events.
For gift cards, please allow 10 days for delivery via Australia Post. For any purchases made after 16th December, you can still share a personal message with your gift by selecting the printable PDF options on our website.