Provide life-saving maternal and child health care
Women and children living in poor, remote communities around the world are least likely to receive adequate maternal and child health care. The main reasons for this include poverty, long distances to health facilities, a lack of information, and limited resources including low numbers of skilled health professionals and medical supplies.
Two-thirds of maternal deaths occur in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa such as Uganda. These deaths are often a result of complications during and after pregnancy and childbirth. This includes severe bleeding and infections after delivery, obstructed labour, high blood pressure during pregnancy, and diseases such as malaria and heart disease.
Every mother and child has the right to the highest attainable standard of health. Currently women and children in some countries cannot access this right.
Most complications during and after pregnancy and childbirth are preventable and treatable with the presence of a skilled health professional such as a doctor, nurse or midwife. Sadly, fewer than half of all births in several low-income and lower-middle-income countries are assisted by such professionals.
The loss of a mother and a daughter
Joyce never imagined she would lose a child, let alone two. Within three years, Joyce (pictured in pink) lost her baby and then her teenage daughter.
Both of them died during childbirth. Joyce’s baby was born on the verandah of a health centre, which took Joyce close to six hours to walk to from her remote community in Kalaki District, in east Uganda.
When she arrived at the centre, it was closed due to lack of staff and funding.
Joyce gave birth on the verandah of the centre. Her baby, tragically, died. “The baby didn’t even cry,” Joyce said. “I had no idea what the problem was. If the nurse was present she would have been able to deliver my baby, check and find what the problem was.”
A year later Joyce lost her 18-year-old daughter Grace. Grace was a shy teen, but she had many friends and had hoped to become a teacher.
Devastatingly, Grace died after giving birth to a baby girl, Rose, at home. Joyce was with Grace for the birth but there were no doctors, nurses or midwives present, and until this day Joyce does not know the cause of Grace’s death.
Grace never got the chance to meet Rose.
You can help provide life-saving maternal and child health care.
Please donate to help mothers and babies access the maternal and child health care they need to stay safe and healthy
Did you know?
In Uganda
there are 375 maternal deaths per 100,000 births
In Australia
there are 6 maternal deaths per 100,000 births
A right to quality health care
The birth of a child should be a joyful time for families, but when mothers and babies do not have access to quality maternal and child health care, pregnancy and childbirth become tremendously risky for both mother and child.
Most complications that develop during pregnancy and childbirth are preventable or treatable with the help of a skilled health professional.
Joyce and Grace’s story is tragic, but all too common in poor, remote communities around the world. Many mothers and their babies die each day because they cannot access the health care and resources they need to stay safe during and after pregnancy and childbirth.
How you can help mothers and babies be in safe hands…
Support Community Health Volunteers
Your donation can help train community-based volunteers in remote areas to provide maternal and child health care and advice.
These community health volunteers help mothers access antenatal and postnatal care, provide information on good hygiene practices, nutrition and breastfeeding, among other vital services. They also help pregnant women by connecting them with a skilled health professional.
Deliver outreach clinics with nurses
Your donation can also help deliver outreach clinics where skilled health professionals provide maternity care, screen for malaria, give immunisations, and provide other valuable health services in remote communities. These clinics mean mothers and children do not have to travel long distances for medical care to stay safe and healthy.
Provide clean birthing kits, medicines and medical supplies
Your donation can provide clean birthing kits for mothers to give birth more safely at home if they cannot access a health facility. These kits include clean plastic sheets, soap, gauze, and a new scalpel and clamps to safely cut the umbilical cord.
Your support can also provide medicines and medical supplies to remote health facilities.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a terrible impact on health services in poor communities, which are already under-resourced. Increased demands for services and travel restrictions around the globe have led to shortages in essential medicines and medical supplies, leaving many mothers and babies even more vulnerable to disease and death.
Joyce’s story:
The loss of a mother and a daughter
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If you donate
$On a before tax income of
$The actual cost of your donation is
$xx.xx a xxxx
Because you save
$xx.xx a year on tax
This table is based upon 2020-2021 ATO individual Income Tax rates. The above rates do not include the Medicare Levy of 2%. The exact level of your tax deductibility will vary depending on your present financial circumstances. Please seek assistance from an independent taxation professional for formal guidelines.
Frequently Asked Questions
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If you’re filing your tax return for the first time, have never claimed donations or donated at all, you’re probably wanting to know more about how you can claim donations to charity on your taxes. We’ve answered some of the most important questions about tax deductible donations below.
Tax deductible donations are about giving back, to get back. Donating to ChildFund Australia will help children in urgent need of support. You’ll be helping the most vulnerable children across South East Asia and Africa, and you yourself will be able to receive a greater refund on your tax return.
You can submit any tax deductible donation over $2 as part of your tax return.
You can only claim for donations which are monetary gifts, given without the promise of something in return. Raffle tickets, charity chocolates, events and other donations of this kind, are not tax deductible.
At ChildFund, all regular giving donations over $2 are tax deductible including child sponsorship, community sponsorship and donations to appeals. A few donation categories are not tax deductible, for example, birthday gifts to your sponsored child and are not included on your annual tax receipt.