Ceasefire now

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Join us as we urge Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong, to call for a permanent ceasefire and increase in humanitarian assistance to Gaza. Of the two million people in Gaza, over 50 percent are aged under 18 years. One child is being killed every 10 minutes – something we refuse to accept.

Food, water, fuel and lifesaving medical supplies are running out – fast. It’s time to speak out and say that every child’s life — Palestinian and Israeli — should be valued and treated with humanity.

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Minister Wong – call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and increase humanitarian assistance to Gaza.


  • We will not be bystanders. Call for an immediate ceasefire now.
  • Nothing can justify the scale of violence towards children and civilians. All hostages must be safely released.
  • Act to end the siege that is preventing civilians – including children – in Gaza from accessing food, fuel water and medical supplies. Increase our humanitarian assistance.
  • Call for a path to real and lasting peace for Palestinian and Israeli children to live safely.


Nothing can justify the killing or maiming of children.

We condemn the catastrophic violence that is currently unfolding in Gaza and Israel in the strongest terms, and the significant and ongoing violation of child rights, including grave violations.

We are calling on the Australian government to hear us and act.

It is easy to feel helpless as we watch the horror unfold in the news. Both Palestinian and Israeli children and civilians have faced horrific scenes, experienced extreme violence, and continue to pay the price for the failure of leaders to resolve this conflict.

The scarring escalation of violence since 7 October has already seen thousands of people killed. Over 1.7 million people in Gaza are estimated to have been displaced following the Israeli government’s evacuation order, and are living in severely overcrowded conditions.

The conditions are desperate and rapidly deteriorating. Food, water, fuel and electricity are fast running out.

A temporary truce, while welcomed, is inadequate to protect children and ensure the uninterrupted flow of aid and humanitarian assistance required by affected civilians.

Now, it’s time to speak out and say that every life — Palestinian and Israeli — should be valued and treated with humanity. And that we refuse to be divided in our call for lasting peace and justice.

Please join us as we call for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the siege that is preventing children and civilians from accessing food, fuel, water and urgent medical supplies; the creation a safe and permanent passage of humanitarian assistance; and a path to real and lasting peace for Palestinian and Israeli people.

All children have the right to a life free from violence and fear and it is the collective responsibility of the global community to protect that right. Any delay in bringing this war to an end will have profound consequences for children that will endure for many years to come.


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I won't be a bystander

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