Gifts for Good AIDS

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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.


Children with disabilities must often do without the truly life-changing gifts of walker. Your gift today will be a source of freedom, independence, resilience and health. A walker can help a child get to school, be with their peers, and have an education that opens them to greater opportunities in the future. Just think of the joy you could bring.


Children with disabilities must often do without the truly life-changing gifts of wheelchair. Your gift today will be a source of freedom, independence, resilience and health. A wheelchair can help a child get to school, be with their peers, and have an education that opens them to greater opportunities in the future. Just think of the joy you could bring.

Stories of incredible change

What is International Day of the Girl Child?

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Cyber Safety Tips for Kids

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Teachers Tackle Cyber Safety

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Carolina celebrates her colleagues this World Teachers' Day

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Farm Animal Charity Christmas Gifts – Donate a Goat or Chicken!

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What is International Literacy Day?

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