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Delivering quality education to communities in Cambodia

On Valentine’s Day, ChildFund Cambodia celebrated the inauguration of a new primary school in rural Kratie Province.

Speaking at the event, ChildFund Cambodia Country Director, Prashant Verma, said: “Today, the entire world is celebrating Valentine’s Day, which is a symbol of trust, love and long-term relationships. This is such a lovely coincidence, which reconfirms our trust and long-term relationship with the community and the Royal Government of Cambodia.”

Funded by ChildFund Cambodia, with support from the Australian Government, Prama Primary School is located in one of Cambodia’s most remote areas, with many schools here in disrepair and unsuitable for children. ChildFund Cambodia is the only international development agency working in this region.

Prior to reconstruction, the school was in extremely poor condition. Inadequate classrooms were unable to accommodate the 212 students, and there was a lack of chairs and desks, no water or sanitation facilities, and few teaching materials. These conditions also made it difficult to recruit teachers.

Now, the facilities include a preschool room for under-fives, a modern library, solar equipment to provide energy, brand new books and learning resources, as well as toilets and hand-washing stations. The new playground has also been effective in reducing student absence rates.

Importantly, the school can now provide classes to more students than previously, with places available to over 400 children. ChildFund Cambodia has also been working closely with the local community to establish a Children’s Council.

The event was attended by Cambodia’s Deputy Prime Minister He Keaet Chhon, who commended ChildFund for its work in delivering quality education programs for children. Country Director Prashant Verma, Program Manager Narin Chan and Provincial Manager Sokleang Sim were presented with medals in recognition of these efforts.

Watch the video to find out more about the reconstruction of Prama Primary School, and its opening event.

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