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Yonatal’s school in Ethiopia has water thanks to his sponsor

No child should have to fight for a drink of water at school.

But that’s exactly what five-year-old Yonatal and his classmates had to do in Ethiopia.

Their school did not have any running water and students would fight to get what little water was available at the only water container on the grounds.

Yonatal often had to walk home during schools hours if he was thirsty. At other times, the water available at school was so dirty it made him Yonatal ill, which meant he missed class as a result.

“Yonatal was affected by diarrheal diseases frequently from the unsafe water he used to drink at his school,” his mother, Simegne, says.

When Yonatal’s ChildFund sponsor heard about the situation he agreed to support the construction of a water line that would bring safe water to the school.

As part of the project, the school was connected to the closest water point. A washing station with several faucets was built, so that children could wash their hands and avoid sicknesses.

Five-year-old Yonatal (pictured in blue and black striped shirt) and his classmates would fight over water from this small container

“I am very happy I have got to drink clean water in my school,” Yonatal says.

“Now I can drink as much as I want and wash with clean water in my break time.

“I don’t have to get into fights with my friends because of water anymore.

“I am no longer late for school and offending my teachers due to water problems.

“I am happy and healthy, and I want to thank my sponsor very much for doing this for me and my friends.”

Simegne said the project is making a huge difference in her son’s life.

“I am very happy about the clean water project that is benefiting my child and other students in the school,” she says.

“Now, he is free and able to attend his school properly. I am so glad I get to see him like this.

“Please pass my sincerest thanks to my child’s sponsors and to ChildFund for making this possible.”


Yonatal and his classmates now have access to clean, safe water – thanks to his sponsor

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