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A young boy’s dream

9-year old Miguelito lives in the Quichà indigenous area, in the central highlands of Guatemala. He lives with his parents Francisco, 27, and María, 26, who earn their living by weaving traditional clothes and selling them at markets. Miguelito has three sisters Jessica, 4, Leslie, 3, and Sucely, 2. Together they share a small adobe house, and, like everyone else in their small community, they live on greens, beans and rice.

Their community has a small health centre and one school.

Now in his third year of primary school, Miguelito`s grades are great. He likes language class best, but writing and drawing are close seconds. His love for learning began with his participation at an early childhood development centre supported by ChildFund Guatemala. Now that he is of school-age, he participates in a ChildFund project which is focused on improving the self-expression and confidence of children through games, theatre and other activities.

“I like to paint, write and to join in different activities. One of my dreams is to study really hard to become a doctor to help people in my community and to support my family,” says Miguelito. “When I finish my homework from school I help my father carry wood from the field to our house; we use it to cook. Sometimes I play soccer, I love to do this!”

María, Miguelito`s mother (pictured below), is pleased with her son`s progress and spirit. “My child was very shy years ago, but now he likes to talk with other people. At school he is doing well, he likes to participate more. I can see that there is a change, the self-esteem activities have helped him.”

Education is essential to breaking the cycle of poverty for Miguelito and his family. More than 18,000 children in Guatemala are benefitting from ChildFund’s work to help address the challenges they face in their lives everyday.


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