Cows Multiplying!
Year 4 at Broughton Anglican College participated in the Picasso Cow competition run by Dairy Australia this year. They were given a life-sized fiberglass cow and the theme “Fuel for Life”, which inspired the design they painted on the cow.
Together the class decided to not only think of dairy as important for us in Australia, but also in the context of the developing world. They decided to combine raising the profile of dairy in the diet, with the charity work of ChildFund Australia.
The year 4 students thought up ways to raise funds to buy a real cow for a family in East Timor. They started by allowing everyone at the school to vote on the name of the cow. Students voted on one of three choices by putting a gold coin in the money box of their chosen name. Milkshake was the winning name!
The name sparked more fundraising opportunities, including a Mad Scientist Milkshake Day, a milkbar for dairy sales and a gold coin ‘longest line’ competition between all the classes.
The students then submitted their cow into the competition. “We were very happy to be awarded a second place in the Macarthur region,” says teacher Julie Schulz. “We were also very happy to have raised enough money for three cows, and enough left over to browse the catalogue and choose more things to buy!”