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How you can change lives through regular giving

Today there are so many ways to give to your favourite charity, including online or in person at charity boxes, events and fundraisers. To make the biggest difference to the lives of children and families everywhere, regular giving to ChildFund Australia is a great option. We take a look at why you should consider regular giving.

What are the advantages of regular giving?

Regular giving is simple and effective for both parties

We understand that you might have less money to give at certain times of the year. That’s why regular giving is a great option for making donations more affordable. Whether it’s the holiday season or bills that are due, you may not always be able to donate a significant amount. When you sign up for regular giving, the financial impact of your donation is spread throughout the year. If you need to, you can also pause your monthly donation or change the amount at any time. 

The flexibility of recurring charity giving not only allows you to donate at a level that’s comfortable for you – it’s also good for your tax return. Regular giving to ChildFund Australia is tax deductible, and will be used to support our priority projects across Africa and Asia.

Regular giving means greater revenue for priority projects

Did you know that recurring donations are over four times more valuable for charities than large one-time donations? Research shows that recurring donors who give on a monthly basis donate 440 percent more to charity over their lifetime than one-time donors, and 42 percent more than people who create a personal fundraising page in support of a cause.

When you provide a one-off donation, though you may donate a larger amount, the sum is typically still less than what would be given throughout the course of a year. When you sign up to donate monthly in contrast, these smaller amounts that are provided more regularly, add up to a greater contribution throughout the course of the year. This additional income allows us to work on a greater volume of priority projects.

Regular giving to charity allows us to plan better

With one-off charity donations, it’s often difficult to predict the total sum of these contributions throughout the course of the year. Thus, we can’t plan in advance what to do with the money. But revenue from regular giving is predictable. When an increased number of donors sign on to give regularly, we can plan well in advance the projects that can be undertaken and the resources that can be delegated to them.

Regular giving improves our cash flow

Many non-profit organisations or charities accumulate the largest portion of their income during a specific window of time. For example, they may fundraise or advertise during the holidays and receive one-off donations for targeted projects. While ultimately beneficial, this does create some logistical challenges. Operating costs are a year-round expense, leaving some charities to struggle to maintain projects financially over the course of the year.

Emergencies like natural disasters, wars, or pandemics are other unforeseen circumstances that can also use funds quickly and threaten the viability of a charity’s pre-planned projects.

A predictable income stream helps charities such as ChildFund Australia to keep going throughout the year – even during periods absent of advertising and fundraising events. Regular giving provides a predictable income stream that can be utilised in the areas where it is most needed.

Regular giving through monthly donation

You can make a difference for 1,000 children in one year, when you sign up to donate monthly to ChildFund Australia. It’s a simple and convenient way to give and can transform the lives and futures of many children.

Month by month, you’ll help to create change you can see – lasting changes that transforms the conditions that currently hold children back. Your donation will go to where it’s most needed and could be used across a number of vital initiatives.

 Your monthly donations will also help to provide essentials and a better start to life for children in the poorest situations. It’s hard for children to reach their potential if they’re facing hunger, sickness, a lack of education or risk of serious harm. Health, education and safety are the areas of highest priority for monthly donations.

Are you ready to make a difference through regular giving? Sign up now to donate monthly to ChildFund Australia.

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