INGOs call for an end to violence against civilians, including children, and warn of imminent humanitarian crisis

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International non-government organisations (INGOs) based in Myanmar, including ChildFund, have renewed their call to armed forces and police to refrain from all forms of violence against civilians and to respect the fundamental human rights of all people in Myanmar, including freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of speech, and free flow of information.

The 41 organisations note their deep concerns for “the dire humanitarian consequences of this crisis”.

The statement says: “Obstacles to access vital health services for those injured, or persons with chronic disease, increase the risk of long term impairment, and represent a further challenge for Covid-19 response. The occupation of education and healthcare facilities across the country undermines the right to education and health.”

The INGOs add: “We remain committed to working with our civil society partners and supporting communities with urgently needed assistance to meet their immediate basic needs and with programmes that build greater resilience over the longer term.

“The political crisis is creating new vulnerabilities, increased humanitarian needs and deepening poverty across the country. The lives, livelihoods and rights of civilians must be protected.”

Download the full statement.

Papua New Guinea’s NGO Development Council (NDC) is urging government representatives, non-government organisations, community leaders, healthcare professionals, and religious leaders to unite in the fight against COVID-19 and vaccine misinformation.

ChildFund PNG Country Director Bridgette Thorold, chair of the NDC, says a lack of consensus among leadership is slowing down decision-making on key issues and exposing frontline workers to possible infection and even death.

At the same time, the spread of false, misleading, and scientifically incorrect information, mostly via online channels, is creating an environment in which misleading rumours are leading to testing reluctance, concerns about treatment options, and an unwillingness to be vaccinated.

To avoid what is fast becoming a humanitarian crisis on a scale PNG has never seen before, the NGO Development Council (NDC) calls on all those with influence to unify a nation, as the future of both the people and health system depends on it.

Read the full statement.