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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Calculate your tax benefit

Use our tax calculator to estimate the potential tax benefit of your donation.

If you donate


On a before tax income of


The actual cost of your donation is

$xx.xx a xxxx

Because you save

$xx.xx a year on tax

This table is based upon 2018-2019 ATO individual Income Tax rates. The above rates do not include the Medicare Levy of 2%. The exact level of your tax deductibility will vary depending on your present financial circumstances. Please seek assistance from an independent taxation professional for formal guidelines.

Tax time is fast approaching.

While going through your income and expenses over the past financial year can be a taxing affair, there are some easy ways to minimise the stress and boost your tax refund through a charitable donation.

Donating to charity is not only a great way to give back and create positive change in developing communities, but donations are a great way to also reduce your taxable income. This means you’ll pay less tax, while helping refugees, children and mothers in need.

Most of the donations you’ve made to charity over the past year are tax deductible, so start gathering those receipts and counting how much you’ve given back, to get back on your tax year refund.

Is my donations tax deductible?

Yes, charitable gifts and donations can be tax deductible. However, not all charitable organisations qualify for this initiative. Here’s how tax deductible donations work, you can only claim a tax return for gifts or donations to organisations that have the status of ‘deductible gift recipients (DGR)’. DGRs are simply charities or organisations that are officially registered to receive tax deductible gifts. You can find more information on this below. 

To review more details on what types of charities qualify for this initiative you can read more on the ATO website.

Are companies and businesses able to claim tax deductible donations?

Businesses can claim donations to charity on their taxes just like individuals. Tax time is a great opportunity to amp up workplace giving programs or social responsibility schemes.

As a business owner, or executive, all you need to do is donate a cash gift to your chosen charity and keep the receipt. The ATO will recognise your donation as a deductible gift to charity.

How a tax deductible donation can boost your tax return

It is a fairly straightforward process to make and claim a tax donation, but if you are ever unsure then contact a professional, like your tax agent. 

There are a range of factors to consider when making a charitable donation to boost your Australian tax return. Whether you’re making a regular donation, or donating for the first time, we’ve got five quick tips to help you make the most out of your giving.

1 – Make sure your charity is registered

“Gift” donations (when you donate money or property to charity without receiving any material benefit in return) can only be claimed on your tax return if your charity has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).

You can check whether your chosen charity is reputable and registered as a DGR, on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission website

Does claiming a tax deductible donation affect the amount of money a charity receives?

Claiming a tax deduction from a gift donation doesn’t affect the amount of money the charity receives, just what you’re entitled to deduct at tax time.

It is a mutually beneficial gift that reduces your taxable income. Claim a deduction and support individuals and families living in disadvantaged communities.

2 – Keep your donation receipts

Donations that are $2 or more are tax deductible. Get and keep the receipt of any donation you make in case you need to show your tax agent or accountant, or the ATO. The ATO recommends keeping receipts for five years after completing your tax return in case they need to ask you to substantiate your claim.

You can keep a record of your tax deductions and income in one place on the myDeductions app.

3 – Know and record your “contributions”

In addition to gift donations, you may be able to claim a tax deduction on any “contributions” you’ve made to charity.

A contribution is when you receive something with a monetary value from the charity in return for your donation. For example, a ticket to a fundraising dinner would not be considered as a gift donation but it may be considered as a contribution.

You may be able to claim a part of your contribution as a tax deduction.

4 – Talk to a tax agent/accountant

The limit to how much you can claim will depend on the type of gift or contribution you make. If you’re unsure about what and how much you can claim as a tax deduction, or sifting through your income and expenses over the past year just seems too time-consuming or complicated, consider visiting an accountant or tax agent for tax advice.

– Support a charity or cause that matters to you

If you’re at a loss at which charity to choose, but want to make a donation for tax purposes, a good strategy is to think about what matters to you.

Find out if a charity supports individual donations

Individuals might wish to choose a charity that aligns with their personal values and ethics. Some charities might relate to your family history or challenges you’ve faced in the past. Tax refund time is an opportunity to support others facing similar circumstances, and help people in need overcome them.

You may also reflect upon your circumstances and donate to support those living in conditions different to what you’ve experienced. Tax time can be used as a moment of reflection, to be thankful we are who we are, and give back to those in need.

In either case, you might decide to support children and communities, or donate to protect refugee children living in the world’s largest refugee camp. These are only some ways to choose a charity at tax time, but what’s important is that you give to a cause that matters to you.

Choosing a charity for corporate donations

Businesses and corporations could align their choice with their company values or culture. For example, if you’re a recruiter, you may wish to support communities facing heavy unemployment or poverty rates. Caterers might donate to feed families impacted by crisis, and communication-based organisations could donate school supplies to support education.

We also have a range of other initiatives that may catch your interest, such as donating to our Child Protection appeal. You can view our selection of initiatives on the ChildFund Appeals page.

Give Back to Get Back

If you haven’t donated to charity in the past financial year, it’s not too late! Donations made before 30 June, in any amount above $2, are considered tax deductible, and will raise the value of your tax return.

All you need to do is search for charities online, choose a cause that you care about, and make a donation. If you would like to support children in developing communities, visit our donation portal now.

For more information on charity donations and tax deductions, visit the Tax Office and ACNC websites.

Whether you’re one half of a blossoming romance, or a steadfast single with a best friend to match, the pressure is on to get that perfect Valentine’s Day gift. It’s pretty serious business right?

For those Valentines looking for a more meaningful gift, look no further than our range of Gifts for Good, a great Valentine’s Day charity gift for everyone.

You can even personalise your gift and make it even more memorable for the children in need, as each Gift for Good purchase also comes with the option to send a card, download a pdf you can print at home or even send an ecard with your own personalised message.

1. Donate a furry friend as a Valentine’s Day gift

Animals can make loving companions, but for families living in poverty they can offer so much more. They can help provide a family with nutritious food and provide a source of income. Consider donating one of these furry friends as your charity gift this Valentine’s Day:

  • Chickens: A dozen chickens provide nutritious eggs for children to eat and additional eggs can be sold at local markets.
  • Goats: Goat milk can help children grow up strong, and goat manure can be used as a fertiliser for crops and gardens. 
  • Sheep: Wool can be used to weave textiles for the family, which in turn can be sold at markets. Sheep milk can be turned into cheese and yoghurt, which can help children grow up strong. 

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

2. Give a child a bright future with an educational gift

Children around the world struggle to remain in school, because their parents can’t afford tuition or they’re forced to drop out to work and support the family.

You and your Valentine can give a child a bright future with these educational gifts:

  • School supplies: Pens, pencils and notebooks are unaffordable for many parents in developing countries. Your generous gift will provide a child what they need for an entire school year. 
  • Tablets and computers: Giving tablets and computers as your Valentine’s Day gift will help young students learn better remotely, stay more engaged at school and give them a greater chance of achieving their dreams. 

3. Charity gifts that keep a child safe and sound

The cold reality for many children overseas is life without comfort, and the threat of preventable diseases. Make your Valentine’s Day gift count with a donation that will keep children safe: 

  • Blankets: Some children sleep on a concrete slab or a hard dirt floor, but a blanket and pillow could keep a child warm and comfortable on a cold winter’s night.
  • Mosquito nets: Mosquito bites are one of the most common ways malaria is transmitted in developing countries. A simple net can protect a child from mosquitos while they sleep.

4. Nutritious food for thought as your charity gift

have a reliable source of food and clean water. You and your loved one can change lives this Valentine’s Day by donating one of these charity gifts to children and families in need:

  • Food for two families for one month: Help families in need by donating a food pack as a meaningful Valentine’s Day gift. Your gift will provide nutritious beans, lentils, cooking oil and other supplies to make ends meet.
  • Three fruit trees and vegetable seeds: As a source of food, additional income and shade, these trees can help give families a fresh start. Seeds will grow into vegetable gardens that provide nutritious food for young children.
  • One handwashing station: Handwashing can slow the spread of infectious diseases. But children in many communities lack access to clean water or soap for washing. A handwashing station could help keep children safe and encourage lifelong, lifesaving habits.

Give a meaningful Valentine’s Day gift to your loved one

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be all bling and glamour. Give a meaningful Valentine’s Day gift to your loved one, and show them how it only takes one person to change a life any day of the year.